Dr. Steiner-Adair will explore the ways in which The Digital Age ̶ with its ever-evolving use of technology to communicate, connect and explore identities and interests ̶ presents both challenges and opportunities for cultivating resilience among those vulnerable to eating disorders. As wonderful as technology is, it brings with it new kinds of psychological fallout. Smartphones, the internet, and the hours of non-academic learning that takes place online are bombarding kids and adults with popular messages and images that leave them vulnerable to making psychologically risky and unhealthy choices. At the same time, technology continues to provide new options for healthy communication, connections and community. Dr. Steiner-Adair will explore how we can more effectively work together as families, professionals, activists and educators to foster recovery-oriented support systems and healthy practices, on and offline. She will highlight the ways in which connection, or re-connection, with ones self, loved ones and community, are integral parts of the recovery process.